Thursday, March 15, 2012

Oh the horror!

While I was trying to think of something witty and helpful for my blog earlier, I realized that I hit something yesterday in my story. It is my worst enemy and a major hitch in the momentum that my story had been building for the past few weeks. The worst part is that it comes without warning (though I usually get it when I am transitioning between scenes or chapters) and it can delay any progress for some time.

It's the dreaded writer's block, and I am currently in its grasp.

My current problem is that I just finished the opening chapter of my story (of which I felt accomplished and excited) and until then it had been building momentum. I felt like the words were literally leaping onto the computer, and the sentences poured from me with extreme ease. And then it hit. Right as I closed chapter one, I thought, "Well now what?" Until then, I had a variety of ideas floating in my head that would match seamlessly with what I had on the page. When it came time to write them, they flew the coop.

Now, I am in combat mode with my own mind, if that makes any sense. Trying to think about my next topic gave me a headache last night, and left me frustrated with my lack of results. While I understand that writer's block is something that just needs to run its course, I also want to be able to expand upon my storyline. For the sake of my sanity, I will probably have to resort to writing something completely unrelated, let my mind detox from the plot, and then think of something after I feel like I have worked out all of the kinks. I know that if I go on with the story as I am now, I wold probably end up getting rid of everything that I wrote anyway, because during writer's block my thoughts are not as solid and end up sounding like garbage (not to mention that they take forever to spring forth from my mind). Oh well, I guess it has to be done, right? I hope that I can find something to work on to make next week more exciting. Until then, my friends.


  1. Ugh I hate that feeling. It happens almost every time I wrote a blog post (unless I watch and episode of the Daily Show beforehand). I also sound like garbage during it and I just can't seem to create the sentences I want to. It's okay, though, because skilled writers like us always find a way to make it right! :D

  2. I absolutely hate writers block with a passion!! The thing that works best for me is just leaving the project for a while to clear my mind. Hope you get past your block!!
